As a graphic recorder I am always looking for ways to add value to events with hand-drawn visuals.
One of the ways I’ve found to do this is with a ‘Networking Wall’ – it’s a great way to engage with delegates, help them connect with each other and get them talking.
How does it work?
I set up my big graphic wall and as people wander by I have a chat with them and a sketch to the board that includes their name, their company and how they help their customers along with their social media links. I encourage them to take a photo and share it along with the event hashtag to help promote the event and connect visitors. One thing I’ve discovered is that people often struggle to say what they do and the benefits in a sentence and are often amazed when I condense it down to a few words and an image. As the board fills up the queue grows – people chat to each other and exchange cards as they wait – point out their drawing and take photos of each other by the board. Managed well the networking wall can be an excellent way to get social media coverage for the event.
What are the benefits?
- The networking wall is a great talking point – people stop, ask questions and want to get their story on the board. What better way to get talking to people?
- The board captures their contact details and their thoughts (I can incorporate a question to gather ideas and opinion) giving you a mine of useful information to follow up on after the event.
- It’s also good for social sharing. Ask delegates and visitors to photograph and tweet their drawing with the event hashtag and widen your social reach.
This has led me to think of other ideas about how Graphic Recording can be used to engage with delegates, and event visitors outside of the conference room. Here are a few thoughts:
- An Ideas Wall – at exhibitions and conferences to gather and spark ideas
- A Welcome Wall – at conferences to map your delegates – who they are, what they do, where they come from and what they are hoping to get from the event
- A Wonder Wall – gather questions or comments related to your brand – what you’re doing well and how you can improve.
- A Celebration Wall – at a party or celebratory event to gather and record memories.
If this has sparked an idea for your next event then do get in touch for a chat…